Sunday, 30 August 2015


A simple  poem on shadows

They appeared silently
Across the walls,On the floor
Through the window panes
Over the skyscrapers
Zooming in and out
Playing hide and seek
A wonder in reality
Though not real
Staying for a while
Bears no odor
Bears no mass
And leaves no imprint
A temporary xerox
On the earth -  They
Tell me the fact
"You cannot be a copy cat,
To stand out in the crowd"

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Secrets of Nature

The moon behind the veil of clouds,
Sails through the eternal ocean, 
Trees embellished in variety,
Like a mystic's way of life,
The poetic tunes of the rustling leaves,
Talks to the soothing breeze,
One more night of the earth's journey,
Hides and reveals the nature's beauty,
Taking me to a wonderland - 
A world full of love and care!!

The above photo was shared by my friend Anitha.  Felt like writing this poem on seeing the photo. Thanks and dedicating this poem to her.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Periya Akka

சற்றே பெரிய நெற்றிப் பொட்டிலும்…….,

பூப்போட்ட மஞ்சள் ஸேலையிலும்…..,

பக்கவாட்டுச் சிரிப்பிலும்…..,

தூரத்து நடையிலும்…..,

அம்மாவைப் ப்ரதிபலித்த அக்கா….

அன்னமிட்ட ஓர் தருணத்தில்

“அம்மாவாகவே” மாறிப்போனாள்…

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Word wars of Ego

It spells and yells the inner chaos...
Withering the charm of love and warmth,
Moments of tantrums high and low,
Soil & spoil the cherished bonds,

Spoken words of the gone by days, 
And boundless wars of opposed views,
Leave their scars in kith & kin,
Journeying till the graveyard pit

Dispute in rage like the funeral pyre,
Gulps the harmony eternally ever,
The hunt of peace in its ashes...
Rewards agony to the barren hearts

Arms outstretched, knees down,
Call to knock the heavenly doors,
Beckons the alms of celestial grace,
Granting the boon of  forgiveness....

And here happens, the death of deaths,
With the exit of Ego, shackled as "I",
The bereaved identities merging into -
An ageless presence of the "Infinite"